Tucker blades in the folding cylinder
Tucker blades are blunt metal bars which are involved in the production of cross folds in the basic folding unit.
The first cross fold is produced when the tucker blade of the pin and folding cylinder tucks the web section into the jaw of the jaw cylinder at half of its length, which closes the jaw and thus produces the fold in the printed product.
The second cross fold is produced when the web section which is lying on the jaw cylinder, is tucked into the second jaw of the jaw cylinder by the tucker blade of the collector cylinder at half its present length, which of course shuts this jaw of the jaw cylinder and so the fold (now doubly thick) is produced in the printed product.
Tucker blades in the folding drum
In the folding unit during the "third fold" a multi-layered printing product, which has already been folded several times, is folded once more. To ensure that all paper layers are captured, the printing product is pressed quickly into the converging folding roller with the help of a folding bar.
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